How the employee can submit a holiday or day off request?

How the employee can submit a holiday or day off request?

Create a holiday or day off request - Employee part

The employee can access his leave requests in two ways:
1-  By downloading the application on his cell phone or a tablet
2- Or from a computer, by writing: in a navigation bar (Chrome, is better for using our applications) 

For the employee to be able to connect, he must have previously created his account using his personal email adress wich is in his personal folder of Amisgest SDG. See the knowledge base " Create an employee account":

*** If the administrator have checked the box "Enable email notification"  ("Activer les notifications par courriel"), the employee will receive an email alert when their request is processed.

Once connected, follow these steps:
1- Click on "Requests" ("Demandes") tab.
2- Make sure you are in the current (En cours) requests.
3- Click on the "+" button, on bottom left, to create a new request.

Complete the request:
1- Choose a type of request (Type de demande).
2- Select the desired date(s): For holidays, select all the dates. For a day off, select one date. If the employee wants to request several days off, it is preferable that he execute a request by date. (In this way, it is easier for the employer and the employee, to find the requests by date requested).
3- Check if the date or dates chosen are correct.
4- Step 4 is not compulsory. Must be completed or not according te management requirements.
5- Step 5 is not compulsory. Must be completed or not according to management requirements.
6- Click on "Save" ("Enregistrer") so that the request is sent.

When the employer has processed the request, the employee will receive an email to notify him of the status of the request "Approved (Approuvée)" or "Deneid (Refusée)". The employe will also be able to follow his request, on Amisgest Mobile, passing from "In Progress (En Cours)" to "Completed (Terminé)".

It is possible to send a message to the employer about the request witch is "In progress" or "Completed":
To send au message, you need to click on the request, so that it opens, than :
1- Click on the "Message" button.
2- Click on "New (Nouveau)"

Write the message and click on "Save (Enregistrer)". This way, it will send the message to the manager.

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