Here are the steps to follow in order to give employee access for the mobile application:
1- Connect to Amisgest Mobile with an administrator account
2- Click on "Settings" ( in french: "Paramètres")
3- Click on "User list", ( in french: "Liste des utilisateurs")
4- Click on "Employee" tab to see the list of your employees
5- Then double-click on an employee
6- Give it the desired access. Usually, with the employee's personal email adress, they only need to have following three accesses: Leave Request (Demande de congé), Schedule (Horaire) and Timesheet (Feuille de temps). ** Do not chek "Manager Access" (Accès Gestionnaire), this box is only for administrators or the person who will approve timesheets and leave requests.**
7- Once the accesses are checked, click on "Create an account" (Créer un compte). The systeme will send an email to the employee so that he will have to confirm his account and choose a password.
8- Finish by clicking on "Save" (Enregistrer).
Repeat these steps with all employees.